Thursday, March 19, 2015

Escaping the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago

Entry #12  Escaping the RIC                     March 19, 2015

8th Floor Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
    We've now spent two full weeks at the RIC and even though the team assessment initially recommended that Dan stay here for three weeks, we've opted for two weeks of intensive therapy and then head for home.  In Dan's opinion there are three components to healing:  therapy, rest, and good food.  There is no doubt that this facility has some of the best therapy around, but it sure is lacking in the other two elements.  We are now packing to leave for home where therapy is scheduled to continue on an outpatient basis at Wheaton in Franklin.  It feels too good to be true!

We missed the first visit from Dr. Burt and team when
partying on the town one night in Chicago.
     Over these last two weeks Dan has worked REALLY HARD!  He's been distinguished as the patient on the floor that wants and would benefit from extra physical therapy.  So every time it's been offered, he's accepted.   He pushes himself to make the most of the time and proves it by working up a good sweat.   I can't begin to count the number of times I've given him a cool wet washcloth for him to wipe off!  The physical therapy has moved him from initially being able to briefly stand on cramping legs to walking with assistance around the 8th floor three times without stopping.  He hasn't regained any feeling in his hands and feet as of yet, so walking, even though assisted, takes a lot of concentration.  Looking back to the blogs posted by previous stem cell transplant patients reminds both of us that  many of the same struggles he faces have also been experienced by others.   Dr. Burt also reminds us that each person with CIDP can also be unique in recovery.      

     We're now ready to meet the next challenges head on, taking with us all the new things we've learned in the past two weeks:   1) Holly runs a challenging PT class! 2)  Escaping the RIC every night for supper is a must to get a decent meal and clear the head.  3)  Meal vouchers for the cafeteria may not be used to buy Dove Bars! 4) Dorothy Gale was right, "There's no place like home!"

     They say time flies when you're having fun.  The last month felt like a year.  Here's to experiencing lots of healing in the next months as spring begins and probably flies by once we're back at home.  It's a perfect time to make plans for the perennial gardens, watch the trees bud out, and see the bulbs push through the soil.  Oh, and then there's is the start of Dan's favorite spring sport!  Go Brewers!

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