Monday, January 12, 2015

January 12, 2015

Big as the Sky - Millions of Cells  

And we begin . .

     When Megan and Matt were little, we always ended our evening prayers with the line, “I love you as big as the sky,” creating the analogy to the immenseness of the sky. Likewise there is no limit to the love and blessings we have received from above, as well as those we find in each other through our faith. So as we begin this journey to Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, I feel like the sky has been opened to reveal an incredible opportunity.
     Three years ago Dan was diagnosed with CIDP, and initially his wonderful doctor kept him ahead of the damage the disease was doing to his nerve linings. But after 2 years, the disease began winning and his treatments were increased from monthly to weekly IVIG infusions.  He endured a roller coaster of increasing and decreasing mobility, from walking easily to times to that of complete paralysis. Little did we know that our distress in learning that his Froedtert doctor was leaving the Midwest would result in steering us toward Northwestern and the possibility of applying to become a participant in a promising clinical trial.

     Our prayers have been answered as Dan has been included in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant study.  Thankfully our insurance has given approval and Dan schedule is finalized for the next two months.  The goal is to “reset” his immune system so it no longer attacks his tissue and allows his nerves to heal without requiring massive doses of IVIG infusions.


  1. Alright!!!! Let the fun begin! By this time next year, we will have walked up and down Charles Street (all 3 miles!) just for the heck of it at LEAST once!

    1. I'm game if you are! Maybe we can time it with viewing a triathlon day.

  2. I am praying for you and your family. I would love to come visit you sometime if you feel up to it. Northwestern is just an hour train ride away. Plus it gives me an excuse to go to Chicago to get some Garrett's popcorn! 😄

  3. Dan and Kathy, thinking and praying for you as you face this opportunity to rely on your faith. May Gods Grace be revealed to you as you recover in a GREAT town! Mark And Mary Kay Sears

  4. So glad to hear that you got into the program! Prayers of strength, and that the Lord guides you and your family. I look forward to hearing about your Journey. Keep positive, and keep that wonderful smile going! God Bless

  5. I saw your post on facebook, and checked the blog for further details. I KNOW how difficult this time is for you, my thoughts and prayers are with you daily. I always felt the more people knocking on the doors of heaven for me the better:) Result....and, Dan, I believe for you as well....I am not only a survivor but a thriver. Stay strong, dear friends!
