Thursday, January 15, 2015

The Waiting Game

Dan was introduced to the room and machine that would be used
to harvest his stem cells.

     We were supposed to be home a day ago, but things never work out exactly as planned.

      Dan went through a second round of tests in preparation for the transplant.  These included more lab tests,  CT scans, EKG, echocardiogram, chest X-ray, vein check, etc.  You get the idea. . . no problems until the echo.  Some parts of his heart weren't visible, so contrast was added through an IV that took over 30 minutes to insert.  While in the waiting area, I wondered if he'd ever get done.

   Dan's final appt. was supposed to be Wed.
at 1:00 with Dr. Burt.  But upon entering his
Count 'em, 19!
office, his nurse told us we wouldn't be going home.  Two issues would require more tests and an appointment with Dr. Freed, a cardiologist before Dan would be cleared to undergo the transplant.  Upon hearing this news Dan's head rolled back against the wall in a look of frustration I hadn't seen since 2011in the office of a clueless neurologist.  Paula reassured us that circumstances such as these are not unusual and not to stress out about the delay.

     So we trudged back to the hotel with our suitcases after Dan had undergone two additional CT scans scheduled for late in the afternoon.  We'd have to wait until the morning to find out when we would meet with the cardiologist.  Not a fun night and an incredibly slow morning.  Dan's phone finally rang at 10:30 and were told that we would need to be back at Northwestern for a 1:00 appointment.

     After spending 45 minutes with the doctor, he gave us an optimistic but conditional assessment.  We left the 19th floor and headed to the parking ramp to head home.  Within an hour the waiting was over as we finally got the news we were waiting to hear in three separate phone calls:  the CT scans were normal, Dr. Burt gave his approval to proceed, and Dr. Freed's consultation resulted in clearing Dan for the stem cell transplant.

View from the 13th floor
     I'll attribute the timely resolution to the incredible thoroughness of the staff at Northwestern and their ability to resolve issues when a wrench is thrown in the path.  I'll also say the pecan, cherry, and chocolate kringles we brought to Dr. Burt, Paula, and his staff didn't hurt!


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